Gadsden State offering free MSSC class
Gadsden, Ala. – Gadsden State Community College’s Adult Education Services will be offering an MSSC class beginning Nov. 29 at Ralls Hall on the East Broad Campus. The class is designed to lead participants to being a certified production technician. The Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) is the nation’s leading industry-led training, assessment and certification organization focused on the core technical competencies needed by the nation’s frontline production and material handling workers.
Registration for the program is Nov. 8-11 and 15-18. Orientation and first day of class is Nov. 29. The training delivery is hybrid (conducted online and in-person). The 10-week boot camp style intensive training gives the student a full CPT certificate as the program addresses the core technical competencies of higher-skilled production workers in all sectors of manufacturing.
All books, materials, registration fees and certification fees are fully funded by a Gadsden State Community College Adult Education Services grant. A third MSSC class is tentatively scheduled for January on the Ayers Campus in Anniston.
For more information on the MSSC boot camp, contact Christopher Hopper at chopper@gadsdenstate.edu or 256-549-8645. Please visit https://www.gadsdenstate.edu/programs-of-study/mssc.cms to complete the interest form. For more information about the variety of services provided through Gadsden State Adult Education Services, please visit www.gadsdenstate.edu/adulted.