Apply for a scholarship today!
In addition to the Financial Aid programs, students may be able to obtain assistance in the form of scholarships granted based on academic or technical achievements, participation in extracurricular and leadership activities and exhibited talents of the fine arts or athletics. Scholarships are available to current Gadsden State students as well as graduating high school seniors.
*This application is for current college students only. High school seniors should complete the application to the right.*
Scholarships are awarded based on fund availability. Scholarship recipients are notified by award letter only. Private scholarship funds are applied to student accounts through the College Business Office.
Current college students should complete the General Scholarship Application. Completion of the FAFSA is recommended for all students applying for scholarship assistance. The Gadsden State school code is 001017.
For questions about scholarships, call the Scholarship Manager at 256-549-8203.
Students who successfully complete the GED test in Alabama may be entitled to enroll in one course at no cost at any institution in the Alabama Community College System.
Students will be able to upload their high school transcript in the application. It is the student's responsibility to make sure they upload their transcript before the the application is submitted. The transcript must reflect grades earned from the 9th grade to the last semester of the 11th grade. A scholarship application with no transcript is an incomplete application and cannot be considered by the Scholarship Committee.
Students who submitted an application and improve their ACT score before the February 1st deadline can submit an ACT Score Update form. Log in with your NextGen account and submit the form.
Nondiscrimination Policy
It is the official policy of the Alabama Community College System and Gadsden State Community College, a postsecondary institution under its control, that no person shall be discriminated against on the basis of any impermissible criterion or characteristic including, without limitation, race, color, national origin, religion, marital status, disability, sex, age or any other protected class as defined by federal and state law.
Alabama Committee on Credentialing and Career Pathways Scholarship
This scholarship provides assistance for students pursuing credentialing in Automotive Service, Auto Collision Repair, Construction or Welding. Those interested should contact the program instructor for more information and application.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Scholarship
The AKA Scholarship is awarded to a minority student enrolled in a Valley Street Campus program. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required. The scholarship can be applied toward tuition, books or fees.
Ambassador Scholarships
These scholarships provide tuition for selected students who are willing to work as representatives of the College. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required for an entering freshman. Selection criteria includes academic merit, club/organization participation and extracurricular activities. A 500-word essay expressing how life experiences have contributed to the applicant’s preparation to become a GSCC Ambassador is required. In addition, the selection process may include an interview with the Ambassador Selection Committee.
Athletic Scholarships
Scholarships are offered to students who athletically excel. Interested students should contact the GSCC Athletic Department by calling 256.549.8310. Scholarships are available for males in basketball, tennis, and basketball managers. Scholarships are available for females in basketball, volleyball and managers.
Ayers Employee Fund
This fund provides assistance to students taking courses on the Ayers Campus. Priority is given to students in declared majors and those within one semester of graduation. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required.
Barnes and Noble Book Scholarship
This scholarship provides limited textbook scholarships based on available funds.
Barnes and Noble Offset Scholarship
This scholarship provides limited assistance to students meeting certain criteria to offset specific charges in extenuating circumstances based on available funds.
Barry Boatwright Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship provides tuition for a student in a science-related major. Recommendation is made by the Science Department and approved by the Scholarship Committee.
Bingo Scholarships
Bingo Scholarships are awarded to Etowah County residents. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required. Awards are based on available funds and are awarded for one term on a term-by-term basis. Students may apply for Bingo Scholarships more than once.
Buffalo Rock Donation Athletic Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a full-time student. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required. The scholarship can be applied for tuition, book, supplies or fees to a female or male basketball player.
Buffalo Rock Donation General Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a full-time student. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required. The scholarship can be applied for tuition, book, supplies or fees.
Buffalo Rock Endowment Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded for Fall and Spring semesters to a deserving student. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required.
Bush Memorial Endowment Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded for one term to a deserving student. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required.
Cardinal Foundation Scholarships
The Cardinal Foundation presents several scholarships each year to Gadsden State students.
Larry Joe Chesnut Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded in memory of Larry Joe Chesnut to a second-year student with a minimum 2.0 GPA.
Scholarships for Children of Blind Parents
Children of blind parents may be eligible for a scholarship covering full tuition and fees. Recipients are selected by the Alabama Department of Education, from which applications are available. Students must be a dependent of a blind parent and meet income, GPA and age criteria.
Citizen Baptist Medical Center Volunteer Program Scholarships
These scholarships provide partial tuition assistance to graduating high school seniors who attend high school in Talladega County. Applicants must have an overall high school GPA of 2.75 or higher, demonstrate leadership ability and community involvement and express a desire to enter a medical field. Financial need is also taken into consideration during the selection process.
Jerry L. Culberson Nursing Scholarships
These scholarships are awarded to Cherokee County residents who have been accepted into the nursing program and who plan to attend nursing classes at Gadsden State Cherokee. Applicants must demonstrate academic success by meeting all progression requirements of the nursing program and must have a demonstrated financial need.
Culp Industries Endowment Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to an employee or dependent of an individual who has been employed at the company for at least one year. A graduating high school student must have a minimum 2.5 GPA to apply and must maintain a 2.5 GPA to continue to receive this scholarship. Applicants must complete FAFSA to be considered.
Donation Scholarships
Donation Scholarships are awarded as funds are available. Priority consideration is given to students in their last term of attendance prior to graduation. A minimum 2.0 GPA is required.
Dual Enrollment Scholarships
Eligible dual enrollment students interested in certain career technical programs identified as high-wage, high-demand may qualify for the Dual Enrollment Scholarship. These scholarships are funded by the Career Technical Dual Enrollment Grant through the Alabama Community College System and covers tuition. The student is responsible for fees, books and materials/supplies. For more information on the application process and list of scholarship-eligible programs, visit
Dual Enrollment Achievement Scholarship
The Dual Enrollment Achievement Scholarship provides assistance to former dual enrollment students who have completed 23 credit hours. Full-time enrollment is required. This scholarship is renewable if criteria is met. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required.
John Duncan Memorial Endowment Scholarships
These scholarships are awarded to residents of Etowah County. Applicants must demonstrate academic aptitude.
EMS Endowment Scholarships
These scholarships provide assistance that can be used for tuition and/or required books for students in the Emergency Medical Services program.
EMS Kayla Oglesbey Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to an EMS major who has completed the Advanced EMT level at Gadsden State Community College and is entering into the Paramedic Program. The student may be full or part time. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required. Scholarship funds may be used for tuition, books, EMS fees or NREMT testing fees.
Victor Ficker Endowment Scholarship
This scholarship covers tuition only. This scholarship is awarded as funds are available.
Amy Floyd Honorary Scholarship
This scholarship provides books and required supplies for a second-year RN student. Recommendation is made by the Nursing Department and approved by the Scholarship Committee. This scholarship is awarded based on financial need and academic standing.
Joe & Brenda Ford Memorial Endowment Scholarships
These scholarships cover tuition for up to two semesters for full-time students. To be eligible to apply, the applicant must be a resident of Etowah County. Receipt of other forms of financial aid may affect eligibility to receive this scholarship.
Gadsden Regional Nursing Scholarships
These scholarships are funded by Gadsden Regional Medical Center and awarded by GRMC. Please contact GRMC for additional information
Gadsden Rotary Club Endowment Scholarship
The Gadsden Rotary Club Endowment Scholarship is awarded to an Etowah County resident for one term only. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required.
Gadsden State Community College Alumni Association Scholarships
The Alumni Association provides tuition assistance for qualified students. Criteria for selection include being a U.S. citizen or resident alien, a minimum overall 2.5 GPA, current enrollment at Gadsden State, completion of 24 credit hours prior to the scholarship terms awarded, resume (education and honors, employment, memberships and leadership positions, extracurricular activities, and volunteerism) and career goals. Preference shall be given to students who are Association members and/or have family who are Association members. Selection is made by the GSCC Alumni Association.
Gadsden State Community College Faculty and Staff Scholarships
These scholarships are awarded based on availability of funds for one term only. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required.
GED One Free Class Scholarship
Students who have successfully completed the GED test may be entitled to enroll in one Gadsden State Community College course free of charge. Complete the application and mail to the Scholarship Manager.
GED Scholarship
The GED Scholarship is awarded at the Fall and Spring GED graduation to the graduate with the highest GED test score. The scholarship covers up to 13 credit hours for the Fall and Spring semesters for up to two years. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required to maintain scholarship eligibility.
Griffith Memorial Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Griffith family in honor of their mother, Sue McMeekin Griffith, who was a former GSCC faculty member. This scholarship is awarded to second-year RN students who demonstrate behaviors that evidence caring, compassionate attitudes toward patients. An adequate GPA to predict completion of the nursing program as well as to predict licensure as a registered nurse is required. Selection is made by the Nursing Department.
Greater Gadsden Home Builders Scholarship
This scholarship provides partial-tuition scholarships to Career Technical students enrolled in Construction Technology, HVAC or Electrical Technology programs at a Gadsden campus with consideration given for financial need.
Haas Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to students recommended by the Precision Machining Department who are currently enrolled in the Precision Machining program. This scholarship is funded by the Gene Haas Foundation Co.
Mary F. Lambert Scholarship
This scholarship was established by August Lehi and friends of Mary Lambert to provide scholarships to students majoring in Court Reporting. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required. The recipient is recommended by the Court Reporting Department and approved by the Scholarship Committee.
Leadership in Childcare Scholarships
These scholarships provide tuition and selected fees to childcare center directors, teachers and home providers to enroll in the Child Development program. The program is funded by the Alabama Department of Human Resources as a result of an initiative of the Alabama Childcare Consortium. To be eligible to apply for this assistance, a student must be a resident of Alabama, employed in a legally-operating child care facility in Alabama caring for children ages birth through 12 years old, have a high school diploma or GED and be at least 19 years of age. Applicants must consult with the Child Development Program instructor and obtain her signature on the scholarship application prior to submitting the application. Eligibility is determined by the Alabama Department of Human Resources. For more information, call the Child Development program director at 256-549-8335.
Manufacturing Enrichment Scholarship
This scholarship is available to a high school senior who has completed geometry (or equivalent) and who has an interest in pursuing a career in the manufacturing industry. Selection is made by the Alabama Technology Network on the East Broad Campus.
Mary Martin Endowment Scholarship
The Mary Martin Scholarship is awarded to a student with a minimum 2.5 GPA. The scholarship can be used for tuition only.
Newell Massey Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship pays tuition only.
Meadows Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of Shirley Meadows and is awarded to a deserving Medical Laboratory Science student. The recipient is recommended by the MLT Department and approved by the Scholarship Committee.
Cam Menzies Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship provides a partial tuition scholarship to a deserving sophomore student in the Court Reporting Program. The recipient is recommended by the Court Reporting Department and approved by the Scholarship Committee.
Lucian Newman Endowment Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to an EMS Basic graduate who has demonstrated outstanding potential and intends to pursue a career in Emergency Medical Services. The scholarship provides funds that cover partial tuition, fees and/or textbooks expenses. Recipients must maintain National Registry status and a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Lucian Newman Jr. Award
This is a partial scholarship awarded to an EMS Basic graduate. Recipient must maintain National Registry status and a minimum 3.0 GPA.
James W. (Jim) Nolen Endowment Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a current year graduating high school student with a B average who demonstrates financial need, enrolls in a technical program and is involved in community activities. The recipient must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Rebecca Nunnelly Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded annually to a nursing student. Selection is made by the Nursing Department.
Operation Family Shield Scholarship Program
This scholarship program was established in 2003 for spouses and dependents of the Alabama National Guard or reservists called to active duty. The scholarship has been expanded in support of Operation Noble Eagle, Operation Iraqi Freedom and the Global War on Terrorism. The scholarship provides tuition during the term of the activation. Tuition scholarships shall be available only after all other forms of federal financial assistance have been exhausted. Documentation required includes official copies of military orders, marriage licenses, birth certificates and IRS tax returns. Certification from the appropriate military office should be obtained each semester to verify continued activation.
Opportunity Scholarships (Economically Disadvantaged Student)
These scholarships are awarded to students with financial need as set forth in the State Board guidelines. Applicants must complete a FAFSA to verify financial eligibility. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required.
Peer Tutor Scholarships
These scholarships are awarded to students who provide four hours of tutoring per week. Students selected must have a 3.2 GPA, have earned 12 credit hours and have completed all steps of the scholarship selection process. For more information about the Cardinal Tutoring Center, please click here and for more information about the scholarship please email
Peggy Yurk Memorial Nursing Scholarships
These scholarships provide assistance to students in the final year of the nursing program. The recipient is recommended by the Nursing Department and approved by the Scholarship Committee.
Performing Arts Scholarships
Performing Arts scholarships provide tuition to students who excel in band, chorus, fine arts or drama. Awards will be on the basis of audition/portfolio. Recipients will be expected to perform while attending GSCC on scholarship and must register for the appropriate scholarship-related classes each semester.
Poultry Science Scholarship
The Poultry Science Scholarship has been established for the express purpose of providing scholarships for students enrolled in the Poultry Science Program at Gadsden State Cherokee and who intend to transfer to Auburn University and major in Poultry Science. Recipients will receive a scholarship award in the amount of 13 credit hours for the fall semester. The scholarship is open to all students enrolled in the Poultry Science Program at Gadsden State. Students must take AGP 130 at Gadsden State Cherokee and have a GPA of 2.5 or greater.
Joe Robertson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded yearly in memory of Joseph T. Robertson, a former GSCC history instructor. The scholarship pays partial tuition for a history or education major. A minimum 2.75 GPA is required. The recipient is recommended by the History Department and approved by the Scholarship Committee.
Riverview Regional Medical Center Scholarships
These scholarships are funded and awarded by Riverview Regional Medical Center. Please contact Sandra Lee at Additional information can be found at
Sanders-Burgard Scholarships
These scholarships were established by Gadsden physician E. Max Sanders, M.D., and Martha Burgard Sanders. It covers tuition and books for students. Consideration will be given to students with financial need.
Senior Adult Scholarship Program
This program allows students 60 years of age or older who have met admissions requirements to receive tuition waivers for college credit courses on a space-available basis only. Space-available basis requires registration during the late registration process. The scholarship will not apply to repeat classes, regardless of initial funding source. This scholarship can cover up to six hours per semester of in-state tuition only after all other forms of financial assistance have been exhausted.
Skills Training Scholarships and Tuition Assistance Programs
Scholarships may be available for students participating in Skills Training Programs. For information regarding Pathways to Responsible Fatherhood, Telemon and other tuition assistance programs, students may contact the Skills Training Department at 256-549-8640
Student Government Association (SGA) Scholarship
This scholarship provides tuition assistance for the elected officers of the Student Government Association.
Student Nursing Association (SNA) Scholarships
These scholarships are funded by the SNA and awarded by the Nursing Department.
Technical Scholarships
These scholarships are awarded to students planning to pursue technical degrees or program certificates. Students who apply with an undeclared or general major status are not eligible for consideration of technical scholarships.
Technical Faculty and Staff Scholarships
These scholarships are presented to deserving Technical Division students, with consideration given for financial need.
Technology Scholarships
The scholarships are awarded to students planning to pursue technical degrees or certificates. GSCC offers partial- to full-tuition scholarships to students in technical majors. At least 75 percent of classes must be within the technical major. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required. Recipients are selected by the Technology Scholarship Committee.
Nell Thomas Memorial Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded annually to a first-year student with consideration given to a student with financial need. Recipients are selected by the Nursing Department.
Transfer Scholarships
Upward Bound Bridge Scholarships
These scholarships pay tuition for one or two classes (depending on available funds) in the summer semester for participating students. This scholarship program assists graduating high school seniors in “bridging” the gap between high school and college.
Jim Vanderford Technical Scholarships
These scholarships are awarded to students pursuing technical degrees or certificates. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required. Recipients are recommended by the Technical Scholarship Committee.
Jesse L. Walker Jr. Business Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a full-time rising sophomore who is an Etowah County resident. The recipient must not qualify for any other financial aid and must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA. The recipient is recommended by the Business Department and approved by the Scholarship Committee.
Rubye and R. M. Walker Fund
This fund provides both full- and partial-tuition scholarships to students based on need and/or academic achievement.
Jerry W. Worthy & Larry T. Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship provides tuition, books and supplies for a second-year nursing student. Selection is made by the Nursing Department.
Riley Whitaker Memorial Scholarship
This memorial scholarship is awarded to a deserving graduating senior of Glencoe High School. Consideration is given based on academic record (minimum 2.5 GPA required), demonstrated financial need and faculty/leader recommendations. The recipient is recommended by Glencoe High School and approved by the Scholarship Committee.
Scholarship Opportunities for high school students
Presidential Scholarships |
Ambassador Scholarships |
Athletic Scholarships |
Dual Enrollment Achievement Scholarships |
Minority (HBCU) Scholarships |
Health Sciences Scholarships |
Honors Scholars Scholarships |
Performing Arts Scholarships(Art, Choir, Show Band, Mascot, Theatre) |
Start Strong Scholarships |
Technical Scholarships |